私たち慶應義塾大学病院 小児外科グループに、海外から留学生を受け入れることもあります! 2009年7月~8月の6週間は、フランスの医大からマチュー・バウドー君が来てくれました!
2009.7.9 - My first clerkship in other country

It has been three years since I have done my best to come back and so with the agreement of Prof. Morikawa, the chief of pediatric surgery at Keio. I had an immense honor to be accepted again this time for 6 weeks at Keio in the department of pediatrics surgery, my future specialty. I was immediately integrated into the medical team and as any Keio medical student I participate to the activity of the department, the different operations, and the surgery staff... Dr. Shimojima was my supervisor during all my clerkship. All of these have permitted myself to enjoy each time spend in the service and became a greater doctor.

In conclusion, if I had an advice to give it would be: if you are interesting about surgery, this department is probably making for you...
matthieu baudoux,
6th years french medical student
matthieu baudoux,
6th years french medical student